Olden Receives Environmental Public Health Awards


  • Patricia Roger
  • Jean-Pierre Gascard
  • Jacques Bara
  • Vincent Thomas De Montpreville
  • Micheal Yeadon
  • Charles Brink

Ba c k g ro und: Ch ro nic air w ay dis e as e s ar e ofte n as s o-ciated w ith m arke d m ucus p r oduction , h ow eve r, little is kn ow n abo ut th e r e gulation of s ecr etory activity by locally re leas ed en dogen ous m ediators. Aim: Th is in ves tigation w as p e r fo r m ed to de te r m in e th e r ele as e o f MUC5AC m ucin fr o m h um an br o nch ia l p r ep aratio ns us in g th e p ur in e rgic agon is ts ade no s in e 59-trip h os p h ate (ATP) an d ur idin e 59-trip h o s p h ate (UTP). Me th o ds : Im m uno h is toch em ic al an d im m un or adio-m etric as s ays (IRMA) w er e use d to de te ct th e MUC5AC m ucin. Im m uno h is to ch em ic al an alys is w er e p er-fo r m ed us in g in dividua l 1–13 M1 and 21 M1 MAbs r ecogn izin g a r ecom bin ant M1 m ucin partially e nco-de d by th e MUC5AC gen e. IRMA m e as ur m en ts w er e p er for m e d usin g a m ix tur e o f eigh t an ti-M1 m ucin MAbs (PM8), w h ic h in cluded both 1–13 M1 and 21 M1 MAbs. Ly s o zym e an d p r otein w e re also m e as ur ed in th e biological fluids derive d fr om h um an bro nch ial p r ep aratio ns obtain e d fr om p atie n ts w h o h ad un der-go ne s ur ge ry for lung car cin om a. R e s u lts : Th e an ti-M1 m on oclon al an tibodie s labelled ep ith e lial goblet cells. Afte r ch allen ge o f h um an br on ch ia l …

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برای دانلود متن کامل این مقاله و بیش از 32 میلیون مقاله دیگر ابتدا ثبت نام کنید

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اگر عضو سایت هستید لطفا وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید

عنوان ژورنال:
  • Environmental Health Perspectives

دوره 110  شماره 

صفحات  -

تاریخ انتشار 2002